Robin Peth-Pierce, MPA, SW-T, C-AAISFor nearly three decades, I have collaborated with research teams (Columbia University, New York University, Ohio State University) and non-profit organizations in the U.S. and abroad (The Child Mental Health Foundations and Agencies Network; World Federation for Mental Health; The National Committee for Quality Assurance) to more rapidly translate scientific discoveries into everyday use to improve the quality of and access to behavioral healthcare for children and their families.
My early career training as a Presidential Management Fellow (1993-1995) at the National Institutes of Health, the nation's largest federal biomedical research enterprise, ignited a passion for working collaboratively with scientists to translate and disseminate research findings for parents, providers, and policymakers. My goal is to help organizations facilitate the innovation, creation, implementation and dissemination of programs to improve youth health, mental health, and well-being. |
Featured Publications
The Professional Application of Therapy Dogs in Schools
(PATS Protocol; Foreward by Dr. Aubrey H. Fine) Purdue University Press (Dapice & Peth-Pierce, forthcoming, Fall 2025 A research-based implementation guide for school district faculty, staff considering the implementation of a school-based therapy dog program. |
The Power of the Natural World to Improve Human Well-Being
Humans are innately drawn to the natural world - the plants and animals - around them, (biophilia theory). As I transition to the field of social work, my goal is to work in community and/or afterschool settings, and where possible, to leverage the potential of the natural world to support youth and family well-being, I see the power of the natural world firsthand, in my volunteer roles as a co-advisor for the NR Homesteaders 4-H Club (teaching youth to agriculture and livestock production), as well as the Cuyahoga County PetPals program (working with youth help train companion animals for visits to assisted living). I am a certified Project Green Teacher (The Ohio State University Extension, College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences), a social worker in training (SW-T), working toward my master's degree in social work with additional certifications in school-based social work and veterinary social work, and recently earned my certification as an Animal-Assisted Intervention Specialist (C-AAIS) from The Association of Animal- Assisted Intervention Professionals. |
Equine Research Project: